About Us
INFONEWSINDIA.in is an Independent, non-profit, non-partisan and professional digital News platform. We believe in objective reporting and analysis of stories for larger public consumption and dissemination. As Information, Communication and Education are the three important basics to create awareness, sensitization and build an informed opinion, we have decided to tell stories through these angels..
It will be our endeavor to bring authenticity, accuracy, clarity, and flexibility in our reporting and dealing with the subject. The thrust shall be on building accountability in journalism and storytelling. Nevertheless, the opinion pieces and articles though will reflect viewpoints of the author concerned, we will try to bring in expert knowledge and infuse new waves of thoughts relevant to changing society and changing times.
As a responsible media outlet we have to see all concerns of all stakeholders are addressed, responded and incorporated.
Sj. Gopal Misra, Senior Journalist, New Delhi, Editorial Advisor
Sj. Ch. Narendra, Senior Journalist, Hyderabad, Consulting Editor
Sj.Sudarshan Chhotoray,Senior Journalist, Bhubaneswar,Editor-in-Chief
Contact Us –focusodishamedia@gmail.com